The awards show is Monday, March 2, and tickets are still available. The hosts are the Bowery Boys, Greg Young and Tom Meyers, who hosted last year and also won an Apple Award. The show is at the SVA Theatre and it’s a lot of fun. I go every year; last year our podcast won the award for outstanding podcast and Joanna Holliday and I had a good time at the show. She’s returning as a presenter this year. It will be an extra special night, Joe Conzo, the amazing Bronx photographer from our book, is also a presenter.

I have stiff competition, including one book from my own publisher (Emons) in the same series. The others in the category are:
111 Rooftops in New York That You Must Not Miss by Leslie Adatto
BE NY Family by Patrick Van Rosendaal
South Bronx Battles: Stories of Resistance, Resilience, and Renewal by Carolyn McLaughlin
The full list of all nominees is here and you can buy tickets here.
Thank you, GANYC.