Mayor Bloomberg
With Mayor Bloomberg, July 19, 2016.

I meant to share this photo on the blog in July, when it was taken. I was invited to attend the ribbon-cutting of The Hills, on Governors Island, on July 19. It was a fantastic event. Incredible turnout. It was also hot as blazes, in the mid-90s. I wore a t-shirt and was under-dressed. As the event was ending, folks were posing with Mayor Mike Bloomberg for selfies. It was my chance. I thrust my book at him.

“Mr. Mayor. I wrote this book about the Island. You’re in it,” I say.

Mayor Bloomberg flips it open, no doubt looking for his name. (And it’s not in the index, either. Whoever did the index at my publisher did a horrible job).

“Do you have a card?” the Mayor asks. Of course, I don’t. I ran out weeks ago. In a flash, his staffer hands me hers. The next thing know, he motions to his photographer. Snap. Snap.

That night I emailed his staff. The next day I got this wonderful photo. In my t-shirt.

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