Condé Nast
Condé Nast
I just had my fourth article published on the Huffington Post. Condé Nast Hired Dorothy Parker 100 Years Ago marks the centennial (and really, who else but me would make note of it) of the momentous event. I like anniversaries, and this was one I didn’t want to pass by. I write:

Parker wrote some of the earliest trends pieces for Vogue. From being a secret knitter (“People look at me, and sooner or later, they invariable say, ‘You seem like a sensible sort of girl–there is no foolishness about you.’ Old people tell me this as a compliment, young people as an insult.”), to exercise routines, light verse, and fashions for dogs. She worked in an office where maids dusted every afternoon and women wore gloves indoors. Parker looked at the raw silk curtains, bleached oak furniture, and oil paintings on the walls, and remarked, “Well, it looks just like the entrance to a house of ill-fame.”

I kind of have a thing for Condé Nast (the man, not the company). Which is why I wrote today’s blog post.

My previous Huffington Post pieces are:
6 Women You Didn’t Know Were Members of the Algonquin Round Table
Dorothy Parker Happy in Los Angeles
How To Drink Like Dorothy Parker

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