My book World War New York: A Guide to the City’s Enduring Ties to the Great War has been nominated for an Apple Award by the Guides Association of New York City (GANYC). This is a big honor for me, since I […]
I visited my first sculpture by E.M. Viquesney, The Spirit of the American Doughboy, 647 miles from our house. I was not disappointed to finally see in person a sculpture I’d only read about. This is the World War I sculpture that […] I was a guest on In the Arena with host Monsignor Kieran Harrington. The show airs on WOR Radio and cable TV. The Rev. Msgr. Kieran E. Harrington, V.E. is Vicar for Communications for the Diocese of Brooklyn. He is responsible […]
Princeton lost 151 men in World War I. Whether through wounds, accidents, injuries, sickness or the Influenza Pandemic, the toll was high. Of these 151, twenty-nine were members of the Princeton Club of New York. In the club entrance foyer is a […]
On November 5 I am going to have a double-feature day: At 10:00 AM take a cemetery walking tour in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn. Followed by a 2:00 p.m. book talk about World War I New York: A Guide the City’s Enduring Ties […]
My July 31 talk at the New-York Historical Society was recorded and broadcast by C-SPAN3. It’s based on my book World War I New York: A Guide to the City’s Enduring Ties to the Great War. You can stream it here. It […]
One hundred years ago on Sunday, General John J. Pershing woke up in Times Square. He was in bed in the Astor Hotel, which once was on the corner of Broadway and W. 44th Street. I do not know how he got […]
The last week has been a whirlwind ever since my new book World War I New York: A Guide to the City’s Enduring Ties to the Great War was published by Globe Pequot. I was on the edge for weeks because the […]
In thirty days is the centennial of American entry in World War I on April 6. To mark the occasion, beginning today I am going to post a daily countdown with a different sketch by Private C. LeRoy Baldridge. He was a […]
Cypress Hills National Cemetery is a place that I’ve spent many hours visiting, researching, and giving walking tours. With the centennial of World War I coming up, I’m doing more at the landmark burial ground on the Brooklyn-Queens border. I had a […]